Case Studies

Client Type: Real Estate Development and Service Business

  • Optimise return on real estate assets
  • Improve penetration of the affordable homes segment in a cost-effective way

Client Type: Non-bank financial service institution

  • The client has subsidiaries across the non-bank financial service value chain and was experiencing business acquisition challenges with its front line staff.
  • Challenges faced were in the area of confidence and depth of knowledge of the organization's products 
  • Team leads and regional managers lacked the required leadership and mentoring skills. 

Client Type: Professional Service Firm

  • A professional service firm with offices in 7 African countries
  • Collaborating but needs to be more integrated and aligned with common goals and objectives. In other words, country offices need to move from collaborators to a ‘one-firm’ entity (in terms of people, systems and process), that is structured to work across service lines and industry sectors 
  • Optimally and efficiently deploy its resources to serve all target clients on the continent

Client Type: Food Sector

  • As part of the aim to meet the need for hygienically packaged food, the business required strategy implementation to start up a food production business for a limited range of food items  

Client Type: Asset Management Business

  • The client was seeking to aggressively grow FUM (funds under management) by adding life insurance products to its service range.
  • To achieve this the client acquired an existing life insurance business and therefore, required a well articulated post-acquisition strategic and implementation plan    

Client Type: Asset Management Business

  • The client is an established provider of wealth management and asset management services in the HNI segment
  • To help the client realise economies of scope and scope and scale in the retail non-bank financial services segment by setting up a market expansion platform to serve smaller clients  

Client Type: Investment management group

  • The client acquired a sub-optimally performing stockbroking business to complement its non-bank financial service range consisting of asset management, investment management, real estate and pensions 
  • The task therefore, involved developing a turn around strategy for the acquired stockbroking business 

Client Type: State Government

  • There has been a significant  reduction in country’s power sector performance which has been largely due to inadequate infrastructure, corruption and high trade receivables.
  • The framework was weak in terms of scope and therefore, did not have the capacity to respond to the complexities of the recent developments.